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🔥 Mexican Military Obstructs 'Dirty War' Inquiry

🟢In the late 20th century, Mexico was gripped by a period of intense state violence known as the ‘dirty war.’ From 1965 to 1990, the government cracked down on dissent citizens. The military played a central role in this repression, with hundreds of victims executed and their bodies disposed of in horrific ways—some even thrown from planes into the Pacific Ocean in what became known as ‘death flights.’ Over 1,000 people disappeared, their fates still unknown.

🟢To address the issue, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador established an independent truth commission in 2021, promising to uncover the case and hold those responsible accountable. However, the commission has faced significant obstruction, particularly from the military. Investigators report that crucial documents have been hidden or destroyed, and their access to archives has been repeatedly blocked.
