Match Report Betis 3-2 Bara Match Report Betis 3-2 Bara

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Match Report Betis 3-2 Bara Match Report Betis 3-2 Bara

In this match against Betis, Bara forgot one offootballsmost basicrules: that the game lasts for 90 minutes.Baras horizontal po se siongame contrasted with Betiss straight-for-goal approach. Twice Betis threatened after Bara had lost po se sion, butthis was quickly forgotten as Bara hit back with ten minutes of superb football. Etoo was the first to come close when heforced a save from Castoafter a corner from Xavi reached him, and a couple of minutes later a Xavi shotbrought another save. In the 13th minute Henry laid the ball back to Xavi whose cro s found Etoo at the far post and his volley hit the bar, as the ball came out Bojan was quickest to react, controlling the ball with his back to goal he turned quickly to shoot past Rodney McGruder Jersey the goalkeeper and two defenders into the net.Two minutes later Etoo made another perfectly timed run from the right to meet Iniestas cro s in front of Casto to head into the empty net. In the 19th minute Iniesta had another attempt well saved by Casto as it looked as if Bara would run riot. However, they took the foot off the accelerator and JaMychal Green Jersey concentrated on keeping po se sion which until half time they did very well.The second half started pretty much as the first half finished with Bara controlling po se sion but without creating any danger. In the 53rd minute Betis brought on Odonkor and Sobis who were tochange the game. Baras precise football began to lose its precision and Betis began to create chances. Pavone had an effort saved by Valds and then Sobis hit one wide from the left. Baras only reply was atimid curler from Etoo which went well wide.After 61 minutes Rijkaard decided top take off Baras talisman of recent games, Bojan, to introduce Giovani dos Santos. A minute later Betis pulled a goal back when Sobis turned Zambrotta this way and that before cro sing to Edu who headed in unmarked from close range.After the goal Bara fell to pieces. Abidal gifted Odonkor a chance in the 67th minute but Valds saved the day with his knee. AsBara defended deeper and Danilo Gallinari Jersey deeperBetis began to look for a penalty and twice had appeals turned down. Then in the 74th minute a pa s inside saw Odonkor beat Abidal for speed and when there was a slight contact between the players Odonkor went down and this time the referee signalled a penalty. Edu blasted the ball down the middle and Valds who was diving to his right saved the ball with his legs.Before our celebration had finished Betis came straight back to score the equalizer. Toure misjudged a throw in and allowed Juanito the chance to chest the ball down before unleashing an unstoppable volley past Valds. Bara were stunned and once again failed to react to adversity. Just two more minutes pa sed before another lo s of po se sion, this time from Etoo, allowed another direct counter attack from Edu who was given too much room by Thuram before cracking a 20-yard shot past Valds.Bara had created no danger in the second half and managed just one half chance in the remaining ten minutes when Gudjohnsen volleyed over Xavis long Ky Bowman Jersey pa s. This was a game that demonstrated how quickly the dynamics of a game can change if you dont kill off your opponent. Bara played as though the three points were already in the bag and paid a heavy price for it. Betis sensed their chance and seized it, perhaps if the game had not been played in the Ruiz Lopera the reaction would not have been the same, but that serves as no excuse for Bara allowing this game to slip. There were some good performances in the first half, especially from Xavi and Iniesta, but others were far too laid back in their attitude.If they lost motivation,Rijakaard and board of directors should help stimulate them. Theres a great example in Croatian football league, 1.HNL, how to do that. HNK Hajduk Split decided to punish their players after very bad season and draw with the last on the table (Hajduk also had 2-0 lead). Punishment is 10% of annual receiving for each player.Bara: Valds; Zambrotta, Thuram, Puyol, Abidal; Xavi, Toure (Gudjohnsen 79), Iniesta; Bojan (Giovani 61), Etoo, Henry.Goals: 13 Bojan 0-1, 15 Etoo 0-2, 63 Edu 1-2, 76 Juanito 2- Nicolas Batum Jersey 2, 78 Edu 3-2
