din 41612 type g connectors Precautions for installation

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din 41612 type g connectors https://www.kujunconnector.com/TYPE-G-Connectors

Not only din 41612 type g connectors, but also plugs. State regulations: all electrical appliances with low rated current use 10A small plug; Electrical appliances with rated current greater than 8A must use 16A large plug, such as water heaters and air conditioners.

I. Environmental requirements

When installing din 41612 type g connectors, consider the environmental factors in use. Because the requirements for din 41612 type g connectors and switches are different in different environments. For example, when installing din 41612 type g connectors in toilets, kitchens, etc. Waterproof, moisture-proof and smoke-proof measures should be taken.

2. Parameter requirements

When installing din 41612 type g connectors, consider the current of equipment using din 41612 type g connectors. For example, din 41612 type g connectors for high-power household appliances such as refrigerators or air conditioners are usually single din 41612 type g connectors with a rated current greater than 10A.

Not only din 41612 type g connectors, but also plugs. State regulations: all electrical appliances with low rated current use 10A small plug; Electrical appliances with rated current greater than 8A must use 16A large plug, such as water heaters and air conditioners.

din 41612 type g connectors https://www.kujunconnector.com/TYPE-G-Connectors
