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Buying flowers for your Nigerian village girlfriend is not a problem. The problem is when you get a text from her the next day saying, 'the vegetables you bought me tasted funny.'

Chelsea’s new No.19! 🔵🔥

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An American and Nigerian are talking. The American says, 'I like my coffee like I like my wives", to which the Nigerian replies, "from a third world country at a reasonable price?"

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A professor in Nigeria is teaching her students how to form English sentences. "Attention, class. I have two words: Cheetah and dandelion. Can anybody use these together in a sentence?" One student raises their hand and answers, "the cheetah is faster dandelion." 😆 👏

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A policeman is praying at a church, and a priest comes to him! "Priest, tell me, son, who killed Abel?" The policeman then answers, "Father, please ask the one who is in charge of Abel's murder case!"

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A man is on a photo safari in Nigeria. He finds an elephant in distress, lying in the bushes. Upon inspection, he finds that the elephant has a large, sharp rock embedded in the bottom of its foot. He carefully pulls the rock free, and the elephant gets up and saunters away. A decade later, he is back in his hometown when a circus is visiting, and they put on a parade. As the man is watching all the animals go past, he notices and makes eye contact with a large African elephant. The elephant immediately turns toward the man, picks him up in its trunk, slams him on the pavement, and then stomps the life out of him. It was a different elephant.

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A group of charity workers are sent to Nigeria to see how their program is working. They are walking down a street and see a crocodile with a man's head in its mouth. When they get home and are asked about how their trip went, one of them says, "We can cut all funding. They got Lacoste sleeping bags."

joopedrohenriq created a new article
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Understanding Anger as an Outgrowth of Self-Compassion | #qual o valor de uma análise corporal?

Understanding Anger as an Outgrowth of Self-Compassion

Understanding Anger as an Outgrowth of Self-Compassion

And yet, there are additionally lessons that remain blurry regardless of how typically they are taught.
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A Christian missionary goes to proselytize in Nigeria and gets lost. He begins wandering aimlessly through a thick forest and stumbles upon a lion. He then gets scared the lion will eat him, so he starts praying to God to protect him from the lion. Then, suddenly, he sees the lion praying as well! He gets relieved and tells the lion, "I didn't know you're a believer as well. I'm so glad. For a moment, I thought that you might eat me." The lion responds, "Quiet, please! Don't interrupt my mealtime prayer!" 😂

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Remember, humor can vary widely in its appeal, and what's funny to one person might not be to another #justsaying